Selected past student projects

  • Alessandro Prichierri - Oxygen consumption by grape wine cuttings (visiting PhD); 2024
  • Anders Skipper - Flood tolerance of ancient wheat cultivars (MSc); 2018
  • Anita Bruun NielsenIndflydelsen af rastende gæs på klitsøernes vegetation (BSc); 2013
  • Anna Pii Hjørne - Phytotoxic effects of organic acids (7.5 ECTS project); 2019
  • Asbjørn Hansen - Drought tolerance of African rice (BSc); 2021
  • Asbjørn Hansen - Root traits conferring drought tolerance of African rice (MSc); 2023
  • August K Dinsen - Probiotics and salinity tolerance in rice (BSc); 2019
  • Carlo Bravo - The role of humic acids in root plaque formation (visiting PhD); 2021 (see this blog-post)
  • Christopher Steiness - Aerobic and anerobic catabolism in roots of chickpea (BSc); 2021
  • Christopher Steiness - The importance of leaf gas films for flood tolerance or rice (MSc) (see this blog-post); 2024
  • Don Bosco Tuan Anh Tran - Mechanisms of salt tolerance in rice (BSc); 2022
  • Emil JW Anthony - Root barriers to radial oxygen loss and salt intrusion (BSc); 2020  
  • Fion Murphy - Submerged macrophyte patterns of Lake Constance 1967-2016 (MSc); 2017
  • Guillermo Toro - Root responses to water deficits in landraces of Lagenaria siceraria (Postdoc); 2022 (see this blog-post)
  • Hans Benjamin Umbhau Jensen - Leaf gas films and submergence tolerance of rice (BSc); 2022
  • Ida Rose Pedersen - Tæppegræs: Catabrosa aquatica (BSc); 2016
  • Jesper Rauff Schultz - Brownification of lobelia lakes in National Park Thy (MSc); 2018
  • Joel Gilboa JacobsenCan Oryza rufipogon resist salinification more effectively than IRRI-154? (BSc); 2022
  • Johan Emil Kjær  - Toxicity of organic acids and Fe in crops (BSc) (see this blog-post); 2018
  • Johan Emil Kjær - Root barriers to radial oxygen in loss in wild rice (MSc); 2020
  • Jonatan Lund Hansen Flood tolerance of spelt versus modern wheat (BSc); 2018
  • Juan Jimenez Serena - Root barriers to radial oxygen loss in Urochlora (PhD); 2020
  • Line Dam Jessen - Gas film retention of wild rice during submergence (BSc); 2021
  • Louise Vikjær Bote - Ecophysiology of vegetation in lobelia lakes (BSc); 2019
  • Lucas León Peralta OgorekRoots in armour (PhD); (see this blog-post) 2022
  • Maja S Pedersen - Probiotics and salinity tolerance in rice (BSc); 2019
  • Marco BK Kowinicki - Probiotics and salinity tolerance in rice (BSc); 2019
  • Mathilde M Bartholin - Gas film retention of wild rice during submergence (PUK); 2021
  • Max Stecher - Habitat analysis of wild species of rice – a GIS approach (MSc) (see this blog-post); 2021
  • Mikkel Madsen-Østerbye - Brownification of lobelia lakes (PhD); 2023
  • My Hemmeth Børjesen - Toxicity of organic acids  and Fe in crops (BSc) (see this blog-post); 2018
  • Nana H Mathiesen - Phytotoxic effects of organic acids (7.5 ECTS project); 2019
  • Oliver Mørk - Tolerance of wheat to partial submergence (MSc) (see this blog-post); 2018
  • Rasmus KlausenSollysets indvirkning på den bakterielle nedbrydning af humusstoffer i Tvorup Hul (BSc); 2016
  • Rikke PerslevThe influence on rice root traits on methane emissions (Bsc); 2024
  • Sara Natale - Stem photosynthesis (visiting PhD); 2022
  • Sara Gargiulo - Greenhouse gas eimission from rice (visiting PhD); 2023, 2024
  • Shuai Tong - The resilence journey of rice (PhD); 2020-2023
  • Signe Smidt - The influence on rice root traits on methane emissions (Bsc); 2024
  • Simone Møller Mortensen - Indflydelsen af rastende gæs på klitsøernes vegetation (BSc); 2013
  • Sune Ringsing Nielsen - Flood tolerance of chickpea (BSc); 2018
  • Sune Ringsing Nielsen - Past and present vegetation in softwater lakes (MSc); 2020
  • Søren Enghoff-PoulsenSubmergence tolerance of wheat (MSc); 2014
  • Tobias S Hjort - Probiotics and salinity tolerance in rice (BSc); 2019
  • Trine LK Hansen - Root barriers to radial oxygen loss and water use (BSc); 2020
  • Victor Carp Kofoed - Flood tolerance of a wild rice relative (BSc); 2019
  • Viggo K Bastegaard - Effects of root dimension on water retention in roots (Bsc); 2021

Sometimes our glass house area is completely occupied by plants that are part of exciting student projects. In this case, Anders Skipper had a large number of pots with wheat recovering from a waterlogging event.

Visiting PhD student, Chen Lin, came to learn using microsensors. Back then, Lucas Peralta was already an experienced microsensor user and made sure the Chen operated the fragile sensors in a safe way.

Elisa Pellegrini, Lucas Peralta and Juan Jiménez are watching the blue halo resulting from radial oxygen loss from roots of a wetland plant. 

Christopher Steiness is annotating leaf surface traits to be used as training input for a machine learning approach. The aim is to identify the leaf surface structure responsible for gas film retention during submergence.

Shuai Tong and Hui Xiao are measuring oxygen in tomato fruits of different developmental stages. A very nice paper now published in New Phytologist emerged from their efforts. You can access it here!